Navigating Indonesia’s Real Estate Market: A Guide for Foreign Buyers

Introduction to Indonesia’s Real Estate Market

Indonesia’s real estate landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of Government Regulation 18 of 2021 (GR 18/2021). This regulation marks a pivotal change, allowing foreigners and foreign legal entities to own apartments and landed houses in Indonesia, albeit with certain conditions and restrictions.

Understanding the New Ownership Laws

Under GR 18/2021, foreign individuals and entities can now acquire property in Indonesia. However, this ownership is specifically limited to certain zones, such as special economic zones, free trade zones, industrial estates, and other specified economic areas. Furthermore, the property must meet the minimum threshold value, which varies depending on the province.

Eligibility and Restrictions

Foreigners can only acquire titles to apartments located in the designated zones. Moreover, they can own landed houses built on land with Hak Pakai (HP) titles and apartment units built on land with HP or Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) titles. This opens new avenues for investment but also necessitates a thorough understanding of the legal framework.

Investment Opportunities

The relaxed ownership laws present a unique opportunity for global investors to explore the Indonesian real estate market. With the country’s growing economy and strategic location in Southeast Asia, investing in Indonesian property could yield significant returns.


Indonesia’s GR 18/2021 is a game-changer for the real estate sector, particularly for foreign investors. Understanding the intricacies of these new laws is crucial for anyone looking to invest in Indonesian property. With careful planning and legal guidance, foreign investors can now meaningfully engage in Indonesia’s real estate market.

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